Miyerkules, Setyembre 28, 2011


     Latin and Greek origin - the "Eastern Land", it is speculated to be from the word asu "to go out, to rise," in reference to the sun, thus "the land of the sunrise." 
Asia being the largest of the continents covers around one-third of the world’s total land area. Asia is known for its vast size and incomparable character. It stretches all the way east from Japan to the Southeast Arabian Peninsula, which is more than 8500 kilometers away.

It is interesting to see the geographical composition of Asia. It encompasses the entire climate and expanse, be it the equatorial rain forest or the arctic tundra. We also get to see the highest and the lowest points of the Earth’s surface in Asia. The highest being, Mount Everest (8,848 meters) and the lowest is the shore of the Dead Sea (397 meters below sea level).

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