Linggo, Oktubre 9, 2011


     Latin - Terra Australis incognita the "Unknown Southern Land", an imaginary, hypothetical continent, a large landmass in the south of the Indian Ocean, the supposed counterpart of the Northern Hemisphere. 

     Australia is the smallest of the seven continents. The interiors of the continent are predominantly plains. The Southeast and the Southwest plains are the most densely settled areas of Australia. The climate of Australia is variable, but weather extremes are rare. The Northern part of Australia has a monsoon sort of climate while in the south it is temperate.
     Australia is known for it’s vast wildlife with rare species and it’s known as the land of the kangaroos.        Aborigines are the original inhabitants of Australia. Australians are known to have an ethnic sort of origin. 
     One of the interesting features of Australia is the "Great Barrier Reef", which is the world’s largest coral reef. 

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